Are you a runner?

We have all had to run at some point in our lives.

We’ve run towards some things and away from others. We’ve run late. Run out. And Run for our lives.   Your mom might have even said that you were ‘running around like a chicken with your head cut off.’

Without a doubt, however, we are running our own race. It’s the race of life.

Every day, we take a lap around life’s track. And while we do the best we can, the results often seem mixed.

Some laps are amazing.

Some are awful.

For a moment, imagine running life’s race with a backpack of bricks.

How difficult has your race become now?

Have you ever considered the fact that it is possible to run your race while carrying a backpack of bricks and never realize they are damaging your results?

There are bricks known as Regret. Unforgiveness. Bitterness. Hate. Fear. Pride. Shame…Each of them are an extra weight that can hold us back and slow us down.

Each brick destroys energy by draining our life of joy and peace.

But what if you got rid of the extra weight you’re carrying?

What if you decided to release it right now?

Today’s peace of wisdom can be found in dropping the bricks. 
