
Return to Sawyerton Springs

By Andy Andrews

As this audiobook is being recorded, we’re releasing select chapters from the book! Soon, you’ll be able to listen to the book in it’s entirety. 

The enchanting town of Sawyerton Springs does exist, and Andy Andrews has found it in the hearts of those who long to take a deep breath, relax, and take the time to find the humor and meaning in everyday life. There’s a little bit of this small town in all of us – a place apart, ”behind the times,” inhabited by a cast of characters we seem to have known for years. Savor the time you spend in Sawyerton Springs. You might just find another hometown you want to claim as your own!

Swinging Into Trouble

Swinging Into Trouble

Experience the thrill and terror of summer adventures as a group of boys face the daunting challenge of “the rope” at Beauman’s Pond. With daring leaps, childhood dares, and the ever-present risk of mishaps, this nostalgic tale captures the essence of youthful bravery and friendship. Will they conquer their fears, or will the rope claim another victim? Dive into the Audiobook Dock for this heartwarming and suspenseful story that will leave you reminiscing about your own summer escapades.

The Mysterious Mr. Michael Ted

The Mysterious Mr. Michael Ted

Dive into the captivating world of Michael Ted Williams, a man whose life in Sawyerton Springs was as colorful as his mysterious obsession with cats and Elvis Presley. Claiming to despise his countless feline companions while adoring the iconic singer, his true complexities were known to few. Narrated by Andy Andrews, this audiobook unveils a seemingly ordinary man who left an unforgettable mark on his community, promising a tale of humor, secrets, and an astonishing final tribute.

Getting Over The Mad!

Getting Over The Mad!

Join Ginny Williams on her comically tumultuous day that starts with spilled coffee and escalates through forgotten white shirts and solo lunch dates. As she navigates through the chaos, reminiscing and rants reveal the quirks and comforts of marital love. Ginny’s journey from frustration to reflection offers a humorous and heartwarming glimpse into the everyday trials and treasures of long-term companionship. Prepare for a story that tickles the funny bone while tugging at the heartstrings.

Gilligan Again

Gilligan Again

Dive into “Gilligan Again”—a short story by Andy Andrews about a fishing adventure that goes hilariously off track. With a lost trophy bass sparking the chaos, every twist and turn is a reminder of the thin line between catastrophe and safety. Will a bond of friendship endure this uproarious trial? Pack your sense of humor as Andy tells a story that’s half disaster, half delight, and entirely entertaining.

You Reap What You Throw

You Reap What You Throw

In the town of Sawyerton Springs, an 11-year-old Andy Andrews and his cousin Brian embark on a bit of nighttime mischief. Their target: the Vine and Olive Hotel’s grand exterior. With ripe tomatoes in hand, they aim for a harmless prank. However, as tomatoes fly, unexpected mayhem erupts—stained sidewalks and painted pets included. The prank spirals, leaving the kids to face the messy repercussions of their actions and learn a lesson about the consequences that follow even the smallest choices.

Baseball, Boys, and Bad Words

Baseball, Boys, and Bad Words

In 1970, 11-year-old Andy Andrews and a group of friends began a Little League season they would never forget. All the usual ingredients were there⎯warming temperatures, freshly cut grass, and new uniforms. But the addition of a coach who was “new to the area” is what made this season truly unforgettable for young Andy.

Crazy Hazey Forks Over The Head

Crazy Hazey Forks Over The Head

Do you like scary stories? Just in time for Halloween, gather the family for a feast of the imagination as Andy Andrews delivers an original tale he wrote just for you. It’s short and it’s funny, but you’ll find it is not your typical scary story. Instead…THIS is a story about a scary story!
