Peace of Wisdom


By Andy Andrews

We spend so much of our lives desperately seeking security – that feeling of control, safety, and certainty. Yet this tight grip on security actually creates more insecurity, as we anxiously try to construct situations and identities that can never stay solid or permanent. 

True wisdom grows when we have the courage to accept insecurity as a fundamental part of life. Nothing stays the same forever–change, loss, and life’s mysteries are inevitable. Accepting this is liberating.

By making peace with impermanence, we develop the ability to roll with life’s constant changes. The attachments we cling to loosen as we let go of our illusions of perfect security. We become less defensive, and more open to new perspectives.

In doing so, we discover our remarkable capacity for resilience. Each unexpected challenge becomes an opportunity to improvise rather than something to be feared.

As we make friends with insecurity as a constant companion, life regains its vibrant flow. We show up more authentically, freed from the exhaustion of constant self-protection. At our core, we remain unshakable because we’ve stopped running from insecurity.

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in embracing Insecurity as the natural way of the world.   


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