Hailed by a New York Times reporter as “someone who has quietly become one of the most influential people in America,” Andy Andrews is the author of multiple New York Times bestsellers including The Traveler’s Gift and The Noticer. He is also an in-demand speaker, coach, and consultant for the world’s largest organizations.

Both The Noticer and The Traveler’s Gift were featured selections of ABC’s Good Morning America and continue to appear on bestseller lists around the world. His books have been translated into over 40 languages.

Andy has spoken at the request of four different United States presidents, worked extensively with the Department of Defense, regularly addresses the world’s largest corporations. Zig Ziglar once said, “Andy Andrews is the best speaker I have ever seen.”

In addition to his writing and speaking, Andy has established a personally delivered, cost effective, year-long curriculum for organizations, teams, and corporations. Using Creating Measurable Results (TM) as a platform, he teaches how “to compete in a way your competition doesn’t know a game is going on.” Creating Measurable Results (TM) has been documented to have helped some clients to double their results within a single year’s time.

The Christmas Parade

The Christmas Parade

This hilarious story details the events leading up to the “ping-pong ball drop” at the annual Christmas parade in Sawyerton Springs…and things did not go quite as planned.

How Does One Identify a Principle Versus a Platitude?

How Does One Identify a Principle Versus a Platitude?

The easiest way to explain the difference is that a principle works every time. A platitude sounds good and they can be funny sometimes. But curiously, one of the most popular quotes in history is this quote about, “People will not always remember what you do, but they’ll always remember how you made them feel.”

The Stargazer

The Stargazer

How does one gain a reputation as the meanest fish on the block? The one grabs, electrocutes, and eats victims alive, it is a good start.  Meet the ocean’s super villain: “The Stargazer!”
