Have you ever seen a local beauty pageant and wondered where the judges came from? Definitely…out of town.
Leslie Anne Tarabella
As a newspaper columnist and author of four books, Leslie Anne’s storytelling brims with humor and heart. Her weekly column ran for 10 years in multiple states and can now be found in various online and print publications. The Alabama Press Association awarded Leslie Anne a humor award for her ability to blend wit with meaningful insight. Her latest book, We Don’t Push in Fairhope, debuted as an Amazon bestseller and quickly became a sold-out favorite among fans of Southern humor. Contributing to Wisdom Harbour, Leslie Anne combines her background in education with her love of storytelling to bring us entertaining and helpful content.
Content from Leslie Anne
Don’t Cut Your Bangs
Leslie Anne is in her kitchen today. Spend a moment with her discussing a good way and a bad way to deal with stress.
Why Cars Stand Still for a Funeral
Leslie Anne Tarabella is a communicator with a gift for crafting words we can feel. Here, she explains something you may have wondered about…
College: What Are You Going to Do About It?
Attention: all parents who are planning on launching a child off to college next fall…you are officially in danger of becoming one of “those” parents, and worse yet, your precious collegiate darling will be one of “those” kids.
When Parents Break a Promise
What do you do when that quiet little voice in your head says you’ve made the wrong decision? Do you forge ahead and storm the castle anyway? Or regroup and think it through again? Here’s what Leslie Anne Tarabella did as she reads her classic short story, When Parents Break A Promise…
The Bet
A banker and a lawyer make a wager…would you spend 15 years in solitary confinement for two-million dollars in 1870 (nearly $50 million today)? Read here by Leslie Anne Tarabella, “The Bet” is a classic short story by Anton Chekhov.
Leslie Anne Tarabella
For ten years, Leslie Anne wrote a weekly newspaper column and has loyal readers from New York To Miami to California. Her books—The Majorettes are Back in Town and Exploding Hushpuppies, More Stories From Home are collections of funny stories written to distract folks from the stress of everyday life.
Leslie Anne also maintains a vigorous speaking schedule, appearing around the country at various events. She has a genius for getting to the heart of a matter in a way that makes you think…and laugh.
She is a regular contributor to Wisdom Harbour and a favorite of everyone. When you spot Leslie Anne on one of the docks, stop, watch and listen, laugh and learn!
Content from Leslie Anne
Aunt Sammy
Uncle Sam wants you! Most of us can picture Uncle Sam’s image in our minds. But what about Aunt Sammy? Did you even know there was an Aunt Sammy? In this classic “Betcha Didn’t Know,” Leslie Anne Tarabella tells the story of an important American lady–and why millions of people counted on her during The Great Depression and throughout World War II. Aunt Sammy was a constant presence on national radio for two decades. She received hundreds of thousands of letters. And she wasn’t even real! This is History that has been forgotten…but is still worth knowing today!
Why Manners?
It’s been said that good manners will open doors that the best education cannot, and this week, Leslie Anne Tarabella and Monica Earley are sitting down to discuss the importance of manners in business or social situations. In this quick discussion, you’ll hear how Leslie Anne guided their son to greeting new people in a proper way, how Monica trains others to get better at small talk, and why lingering around a casual dinner can sometimes be the best way to entertain guests.
January 24, 2023
Leslie Anne Tarabella hosts this week’s show, featuring Tami Nantz, Wisdom Harbour’s Director of Communications. They discuss writing, traveling, Wisdom Harbour and the Life Skills Project, and much, much more!