His Phd is in Psychology. Watch Dr. Mark Foley explain three attitudes…and which one we should aspire to engage.
Life Skills
Equip students with essential life skills that go beyond the classroom. This category includes videos on problem-solving, time management, emotional intelligence, and other critical skills needed for personal and professional success.
Interview for Employment
Join the conversation as two Baby Boomers and two Gen Zs discuss the do’s and don’ts of Interviewing for a job.
Armon and you are about to have a conversation about the mind set of “getting it done today!”
Your Personal Mission Statement Action Plan
Radical Forgiveness
In Radical Forgiveness, you will learn to embody sense of forgiveness that restores your heart, calms your mind, and uplifts your soul. Your life will be transformed, as will the lives of those around you, when you learn to disarm the past through the power of forgiveness.
Questions to Get Ahead in Life
Everyone has setbacks. Ever wonder how successful people, such as Jimmy Dean, Bob Hope, or Joan Rivers overcame theirs. So did I. When I was still struggling, my passion was to know how other people overcame rejection and defeat. To be successful in life you must have a certain understanding of things such as: how to deal with criticism, how to overcome challenges, how to balance your life, and even how to deal with success. To understand these things you need to talk to those who have been through it before, who have suffered, persisted, and already succeeded.
3 Lessons Learned While Homeless That Turned My Life Around
Enjoy the story of the old man who taught Andy how to overcome his circumstances and achieve success.
Timeless Wisdom from the Traveler
Timeless Wisdom provides you with seven principles demonstrated by great men and women throughout history: Harry S. Truman, Anne Frank, King Solomon, Joshua Chamberlain, Abraham Lincoln, and more.