
Explore a variety of engaging science lessons designed to spark curiosity. These videos cover essential concepts in biology, physics, chemistry, and more, offering exciting demonstrations and discussions that bring scientific principles to life.



Have you ever picked your breakfast from a “crunchlet” patch? Probably not… In this revealing Betcha Didn’t Know, Leslie Anne Tarabella manages to pick a whole bucket of truth from a bush you only thought had blueberries!

Newton’s Law

Newton’s Law

There are a million great reasons why it’s not the right time to get moving. What are you waiting to do? In this lesson, Dan Stone unpacks Newton’s Law and how this same law of physics also applies to your life. Today is the day to get in motion!

The Peanut

The Peanut

What else is there to learn about the peanut? A whole LOT more, as it turns out! Here’s the underground scoop on a nut that’s not even a nut!

Da Vinci’s To-Do Lists

Da Vinci’s To-Do Lists

Leonardo Da Vinci is known as one of history’s greatest minds. Ever wonder what he thought about on a daily basis? Join Emily Isbell on the Betcha Didn’t Know Dock and examine some of Da Vinci’s “To Do Lists” to find out!

The Stargazer

The Stargazer

How does one gain a reputation as the meanest fish on the block? The one grabs, electrocutes, and eats victims alive, it is a good start.  Meet the ocean’s super villain: “The Stargazer!”

Einstein’s Brain

Einstein’s Brain

Would you believe Albert Einstein’s brain was stolen and went missing for 40 years—only to turn up after traveling across the U.S. in a Tupperware container? Find out the history and final resting places (yes, that’s two) of the brain belonging to one of the smartest men in history.
