Tami Nantz

Tami Nantz is the Communications Director for The Andy Andrews Group and currently lives in Greenville, SC with her husband John, and their two beautiful German Shepherds.

Tami began her writing career as a political commentator and activist. She’s ghostwritten for New York Times bestselling authors, and written across several genres. She’s had her writing featured on the Jerry Jenkins website, and interviewed writing celebrities such as Andy Andrews, Vince Flynn, Dinesh D’Souza, and Katie Pavlich, as well as many sitting Members of the House and Senate, producing news hits, book reviews, human interest stories, and opinion pieces for publication. Tami’s career has spanned more than fifteen years — she continues to produce her own work for publication. When she’s not writing, she can probably be found reading a good thriller or hiking with their daughter Anna!

How Was Your Day?

How Was Your Day?

I hobbled into my physical therapy appointment this afternoon feeling 90. I realized, as I sat there wondering why on earth I felt so terrible, I hadn’t taken so much as a sip of water all day — nor had I taken the pain pill I loathe. (and take as rarely as possible!)

Tone in Writing: A Simple Guide for Authors

Tone in Writing: A Simple Guide for Authors

If you’re confused about the difference between “voice” and “tone” in writing, you aren’t alone. Many writers conflate the two. Whether you’re writing a novel, a blog post, an article, a poem, or a term paper, it’s important to know the difference so you can communicate with readers in a way that resonates. 
