A Trillion…? That’s a lot of anything! Have you ever wondered how much space that would take in $100 bills, or how many pounds a trillion ants would weigh? Get ready to find out — as Andy Andrews answers more TRILLION dollar questions on this Betcha Didn’t Know!
At Auschwitz
Watch and listen as Rose Schindler talks about growing up in Czechoslovakia and how things began to change for Jews when she was a young girl. In...
Julie Richard is the CEO of Fearless Mom…so if there’s one thing she knows well, it’s how to be a super mom. Today, in this latest edition of Betcha...
1.4 How to Accept Responsibility Like Harry Truman
Learn an invaluable lesson about the attitude it takes to start changing now by examining the life of President Harry Truman.
The Official U.S. Flag Code
Monica Early, the former Chief of Protocol for Air Force Special Operations is here to set the record straight on “do’s and don’ts” with...
Animals in WWI
An incredible Betcha Didn’t Know right out of the annals of history…but never included in anyone’s history book! From brand new Captain Julie...
3 Reasons Why You Should Take More Risks
One of the things I’ve learned to embrace in life is the art of taking risks. Now, when I say “risks” I’m not talking about betting your savings...