Just unloaded from the content barge, a long awaited, short video by Andy Andrews that actually needs a Warning Label…one that should say: Warning! This Betcha Didn’t Know about Warning Labels is extremely funny!
Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death
Watch Jimmy Yeary break down Patrick Henry’s famous “Give me liberty or give me death!” speech. Travel back to 1775, where...
More Than Rushmore?
Betcha Didn’t Know that Mt. Rushmore is not technically finished… And are you aware of its even bigger neighbor—the Crazy Horse Memorial?...
Turning Point
Has your life been moving in a direction that doesn’t feel right? Maybe you need a course correction! Dr. Mark Foley unpacks an incredible and...
3.3 Mistakes Vs. Choices
Andy explains why what most people call “mistakes” are actually not mistakes at all…they are choices. This video shows you how to tell them apart...
Timeless Wisdom from the Traveler
Timeless Wisdom provides you with seven principles demonstrated by great men and women throughout history: Harry S. Truman, Anne Frank, King...
The “History” of How Bibles Are Really Made
With his wicked sense of humor fully engaged, Gabe Wicks brings us the step-by-step “history” of how Bibles are really made!
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Non stick cookware emits fumes fatal to birds