The Professional Noticer
Observations and Answers with Andy Andrews
Hosted by New York Times bestselling author Andy Andrews, this inciteful (often hilarious) podcast is built around Common Sense, Wisdom, and Laughter—three ingredients Andy has harnessed to produce extraordinary results for his clients throughout the years.
Lions and Armadillos and Bears, Oh My! Life at the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo
Tune in to hear Paula and Jordan tell stories about what it’s like to work at a zoo.
It’s Memorial Day (What Does That Mean?)
Tune in to hear Andy discuss the origin of Memorial Day and why that beginning was a significant (and critical) moment in America’s history.
A Life of Experience with Bill McDonald
Tune in to hear Bill share what led to him working as an Athletic Trainer with so many of the greats–from Bear Bryant to Nick Saban. What was it like?
Only the Dead With Jack Carr
Tune in to hear Jack talk about his latest novel, Only the Dead, and what led to his first NYT best selling book, T
I Then Shall Live with Gloria Gaither
Tune in to hear Gloria share what book and melody inspired the idea for her song,
What Drives You with Kevin Miller
Tune in to hear Kevin talk about what compelled him to start his podcast, and what he shared that he believes is the key to its incredible success.
Brothers of the Heart
Tune in to hear this incredible quartet explain what (and who) compelled them to create Brothers of the Heart, why their music doesn’t exactly fit any genre, and what causes their voices to blend so beautifully!
Unbound (Part 2) with Jonathan Brush
In another exciting conversation between two guys who have found their life’s work intersects, tune in to hear Jonathan explain the formula for finding work that you love, and how Unbound equips and prepares young adults to live an Extraordinarily Ordinary Life – on purpose!
Stepping Up…Serving Your Community with Sandy Stimpson
Listen as Andy and Sandy talk about what in the world compelled him to run for Mayor, and why he declined suggestions to run for larger offices.
Building a Non-Anxious Life
Tune in to hear John share his valuable experience in counseling, crisis response, and higher education and how his own “gentle collapse” led him to realize an individual can have value without all the doing.
The Power of Relationship
Tune in to hear Bob share passionately about the value and importance of building relationships with the people we meet, and taking care of those we already have with friends and family.
Trust with Dr. Henry Cloud
Tune in to hear Dr. Cloud immediately begin tackling challenging questions posed by advocates of “Gentle Parenting.”