Featuring Emily Isbell (Gen Z) and Dan Stone (Gen X), watch and listen for perspectives on the dark side of social media, making an impact in our world today, friendships, and more!
The End of World War II???
World War II didn’t really end until 1974??? It’s true! Here’s the story…
You Should’ve Never Said It
Have your words gotten you into a bit of trouble? Dan has been there. Here’s his perspective on your situation.
The Bet
A banker and a lawyer make a wager…would you spend 15 years in solitary confinement for two-million dollars in 1870 (nearly $50 million today)? Read...
About a year ago. I met her in a hospital room. I arrived early, with my Scrabble game in tow.
Is There a Trick to Becoming More Productive?
I think there is a trick to becoming more productive because I think becoming more productive is a mental game. It’s the difference in a...
What is the purpose of a personal board of directors and why is it important?
A personal board of directors can keep you headed in the direction you said you wanted to go. When you’re thinking was very clear. Your...