It was April of 1789… and the first ever inaugural address by an American president was underway. Among other phrases that seem indecipherable to us today, George Washington referred to the “vicissitudes incident to life.” But what does THAT mean? Watch and listen as Dr. Mark Foley unpacks the legendary wisdom of the nation’s chief civil servant, explains what Washington was saying, and boils it all down to a very simple (but sometimes hard to follow) rule. Enjoy the latest episode of: In Other Words!
Garbo, the Spy Who Fooled the Nazi’s
Betcha didn’t know that the most celebrated double agent in WWII went by the code name ‘Garbo’ and worked both sides so well, he was awarded medals...
How can I get a raise at my job?
Not to be a smart-aleck right off the bat…but how do you get a raise at your job? You need to be worth it. Maybe I should say—obviously worth...
Does watching movies with your children provide opportunities to discuss societal topics, or is it merely entertainment?
I think that that watching movies with your children can be entertainment, but I think any type of entertainment can also be used to advance the...
1.5 The Personal Zoo
Are you exchanging your freedom for comfort? Watch this video to find out.
1.1 Is Life Just a Lottery Ticket?
Before you get started, watch this introduction video where Andy shares exactly how he applied the principles within The Guided Traveler Experience...
The Most Dangerous Game
When a big-game hunter from New York falls off a yacht in the black of night, his only option is to swim for the nearest island. What’s waiting for...