The Professional Noticer

A Location of Contemplation
with Andy Andrews

Episode Notes:

This week, Andy answers a question from mother who wants her 15 year old son to grow into a wonderful husband and father one day. She says her husband is an outstanding father, but he tends to do things himself, and she’s concerned their son isn’t learning how to do work outside of the home.

She want to know how to get her husband to understand how important it is to teach their son the value of hard work, since that will reflect in the kind of parent and member of society he becomes.

Andy also answers a question from someone who has seen Andy speak several times. He’s noticed that Andy really does struggle with distractions, and after reading about the importance of a “location of contemplation” in The Bottom of the Pool, he wants to know what advice Andy has on dealing with distraction.

Tune in to hear what Andy does to find his quiet place—even when it’s in a noisy room or on an airplane.

If you have a question you’d like Andy to answer on THE PROFESSIONAL NOTICER, please contact us at:


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