The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Who doesn’t remember the classic children’s story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff? Amazingly, this Norwegian Fairy Tale written in 1841 has an...
The Mysterious Mr. Michael Ted
Dive into the captivating world of Michael Ted Williams, a man whose life in Sawyerton Springs was as colorful as his mysterious obsession with cats...
Spot the Difference!
Do you remember the puzzles you did as a child that asked, “What is different about these pictures?” From the Just For Fun dock, here is Wisdom...
How Do I Overcome My Struggle to Follow Advice?
We all have a struggle to follow advice, but the biggest struggle should not be whether to follow it or not. The biggest struggle should be in...
Do Boys and Girls Respond Differently to Instructions?
The answer is…of course they do. You have certainly had interactions with the opposite sex, and how many times have you said something and...
Alexander Graham Bell
Yes, he invented the telephone, but do you know what else Alexander Graham Bell did? Once, he actually set a record for speed on water! Join Leslie...
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Yum! What a great starch for almost any meat and vegetable dinner! Or add a bit of shredded chicken or beef and serve with a salad!