Andy introduces the Grateful Decision: Today, I will choose to be happy. He explains how it really is possible to gain more control over your emotions, and the positive effects that occur when you gain this skill.
Part 2: Change Is Instantaneous!
2.5 How to Be Happy in Any Situation
4.1 Key Takeaways
Participants discuss what they’ve taken away from The Guided Traveler Experience so far at an incredible location.
How can a person use their dreams to help other people?
Your dreams actually should be lined up in a way and examined in a way that they will help other people. I got to say, that if your dreams are...
Delayed Gratification
Headed to the swamp! In this episode from Admiral Bean studio, Anthony Crawford introduces you to the slide—responsible for creating one of the most...
Spot the Difference!
Do you remember the puzzles you did as a child that asked, “What is different about these pictures?” From the Just For Fun dock, here is Wisdom...
Escaping Communist Romania
Have you ever wondered what you would do if you and your family were trapped in a communist country? Would you fight? Hide? Lead a revolt? Or...
The Surprising Science of Glass
Betcha Didn’t Know…glass isn’t really a solid! Join Andy Andrews as he shatters your expectations with surprising facts about this amazing material....