It’s been said that good manners will open doors that the best education cannot, and this week, Leslie Anne Tarabella and Monica Earley are sitting down to discuss the importance of manners in business or social situations. In this quick discussion, you’ll hear how Leslie Anne guided their son to greeting new people in a proper way, how Monica trains others to get better at small talk, and why lingering around a casual dinner can sometimes be the best way to entertain guests.
Additional Financial Consideration: Take 4
Counterfeit or Legit? Seven short commercials…are they real or just crafty fakes? Listen, laugh, and decide!
Shall We Gather at the River (feat. The Settles Connection)
In 1864, during some of The Civil War’s bloodiest fighting, poet Robert Lowry penned words of optimistic direction to a nation divided. Put to a...
How Was Your Day?
I hobbled into my physical therapy appointment this afternoon feeling 90. I realized, as I sat there wondering why on earth I felt so terrible, I...
Is There Something We Might Not Be Doing With Our Child That One Day We Will Wish We Had?—Part 1
Here’s the important thing to remember with small children, and this is one of those things that you want to make sure is happening. Because if...
Baseball, Boys, and Bad Words
In 1970, 11-year-old Andy Andrews and a group of friends began a Little League season they would never forget. All the usual ingredients were...
Fried Corn Bread
If there is one thing Bob Woodall knows for SURE, it’s how to fry some corn bread. FRIED CORN BREAD???? That’s right, and you do NOT want to...