Writing Advice from Bestselling Authors
How Do I Find an Effective Writing Style?
What Should My First Draft Look Like?
What Is Your Process for Writing Everyday?
How Fast Should I Write When Delivering to a Publisher?
What's One Question You've Been Waiting for Someone to Ask?
How Do I Find an Effective Style to Write?
When Writing a Novel, Do You Have to Write It in Order?
How Do I Start and What Should I Write About?
Random Acts of Kindness
Did you know that kindness is contagious? Jimmy Yeary is here to deliver a special Salty Mug about a random act of kindness that happened to him....
The Buzz About Bees
Betcha Didn’t Know there are around 20,000 bee species worldwide! Join Emily Isbell as she dives into the buzzing world of bees, from the tiniest...
How do you encourage a child who does not seem to have a focus on their future?
I have to say, and this may be a little controversial, but, my experience is that there are a lot of teenagers in the 11th or 12th grade who...
What Was Dr. Seuss Doing During World War II?
Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, was an editorial cartoonist from 1941 to 1943, creating over 400 political cartoons during World...
Thank you for holding the door for an old woman at Cracker Barrel. You must’ve been fourteen, you were with friends. You were laughing and carrying...
How Can I Find a Jones in My Life?
I really believe that we get according to how generously we give. I don’t mean that in the financial way – I’m saying that as our...