Peace of Wisdom


By Andy Andrews

Just for a minute, imagine yourself in the middle of a tough day. 

Work has thrown you a couple more curve balls than usual and you didn’t handle them very well. Your friend, also having a tough morning, snapped at you when you didn’t deserve it. 

On the way to grab lunch, you got cut off and nearly hit the other car.

You got into the store and promptly dropped your car keys. Annoying, isn’t it?

When you bent down to pick up your car keys, you saw a pair of reading glasses just under the edge of the counter, so you picked them up. Standing, you saw an elderly woman with a walker looking around her. Clearly, the glasses are hers! You hand them to her and she thanks you with a genuine smile.

Now, how do you feel? Better? How about all those other things that happened? Do they feel as bad? 

It’s amazing how one little moment of gratitude – regardless how small – can change your day. You can give that to someone. 

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in a single, intentional expression of gratitude. 



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