In this powerful narrative delivered by Dan Stone, we’re invited into a journey of self-discovery and liberation. Through compelling insights, Dan explores the subtle yet profound shifts that happen when we choose to let go of past hurts. This dialogue prompts us to question our own burdens and offers a perspective on forgiveness as a pathway to peace. Uncover the transformative act of releasing and find out how it can lead you to a place of peace and renewed self…only on The Salty Mug.
The Mason Jar
Ordinary household items are often overlooked. Curiously, the mason jar has a fascinating past dating all the way back to Emperor Napoleon. Today,...
When Parents Break a Promise
What do you do when that quiet little voice in your head says you’ve made the wrong decision? Do you forge ahead and storm the castle anyway? Or...
Five Minutes of The Civil War—The Beginning and the End
Did you know the American Civil War BEGAN and ENDED in the same man’s house? His name was Wilmer McLean and his story remains one of the most...
How does a person balance dreaming and longing for “more” with being personally content?
I believe personal contentment is either beyond money or beside money. Personal contentment is something that has to do with joy if we were talking...
Goal Setting? Not So Much
A special delivery for your New Year! From our The Way I See It Dock, Andy Andrews has a take on goals you don’t want to miss. Trust us…you haven’t...
Spot the Difference!
Do you remember the puzzles you did as a child that asked, “What is different about these pictures?” From the Just For Fun dock, here is Wisdom...