he times, they are a changing.” Bob Dylan wrote those words more than a half century ago, but they are at least as accurate now as they were then. “The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.” That was Bob Dylan, too, at about the same time. In today’s economy, that one is more true.
Andy Andrews
Hailed by a New York Times reporter as “someone who has quietly become one of the most influential people in America,” Andy Andrews is the author of multiple New York Times bestsellers including The Traveler’s Gift and The Noticer. He is also an in-demand speaker, coach, and consultant for the world’s largest organizations.
Both The Noticer and The Traveler’s Gift were featured selections of ABC’s Good Morning America and continue to appear on bestseller lists around the world. His books have been translated into over 40 languages.
Andy has spoken at the request of four different United States presidents, worked extensively with the Department of Defense, regularly addresses the world’s largest corporations. Zig Ziglar once said, “Andy Andrews is the best speaker I have ever seen.”
In addition to his writing and speaking, Andy has established a personally delivered, cost effective, year-long curriculum for organizations, teams, and corporations. Using Creating Measurable Results™ as a platform, he teaches how “to compete in a way your competition doesn’t know a game is going on.” Creating Measurable Results™ has been documented to have helped some clients to double their results within a single year’s time.
Content from Andy
With the Director of the FBI, the Head of the IRA, and…the Brighton Bomber
Have you ever wondered if our society has “crossed the rubicon?” Do you ever watch the news and have thoughts of “all downhill from here?” Is there a concept or principle we don’t understand…something we can do that has been overlooked? I believe the answer is “yes,” and I WAS THERE the day a story of bombs, lies, and espionage came together in a way that changed my life.
3 Reasons Why You Should Take More Risks
One of the things I’ve learned to embrace in life is the art of taking risks. Now, when I say “risks” I’m not talking about betting your savings account on a horse race or going skydiving. I’m talking about doing things that most people would consider to be out of the ordinary. I’m talking about putting yourself in an uncomfortable position in order to create massive change in your life.
Warning Labels
Just unloaded from the content barge, a long awaited, short video by Andy Andrews that actually needs a Warning Label…one that should say: Warning! This Betcha Didn’t Know about Warning Labels is extremely funny!
When I was a boy, we had a Collie named Champ. My parents were out of town when Champ was hit by a car and killed. I can still remember my tears as the lady who was staying with me helped bury our dog in the far corner of the backyard. At the time (I was about twelve) I didn’t understand how something like that could have happened.
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is an 1865 short story by Mark Twain. In it, the narrator retells a story he heard from a bartender, Simon Wheeler, at the Angels Hotel in Angels Camp, California, about the gambler Jim Smiley.
The Tomato
The tomato used to be a vegetable and poisonous…now it’s neither. How did this happen?
The Young Traveler’s Gift
In his senior year of high school, Michael hit rock bottom. After being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, he was suspended from the track team and lost his college scholarship. His coach was angry and his parents disappointed. He was diving headfirst into a downward spiral. Facing the bleak future ahead, he saw no way out and wondered if life was really worth living. But now, with some divine intervention, he’s been given a second chance and offered a once-in-a-lifetime journey of discovery.
Content from Andy
The Day Before The Night Before Christmas
In this celestial narrative, archangels Michael and Gabriel plan a grand event for Jesus’ birth, only to learn from God that the celebration is not for the elite, but for all. As they adjust to simplicity over grandeur, the story unfolds the essence of the first Christmas – a tale of humility, inclusivity, and a miraculous night in Bethlehem.
A Thanksgiving State of Mind
The hilarious tale of a Thanksgiving when the pastor had to admit he wasn’t thankful at all…and what he did about it!
You Reap What You Throw
In the town of Sawyerton Springs, an 11-year-old Andy Andrews and his cousin Brian embark on a bit of nighttime mischief. Their target: the Vine and Olive Hotel’s grand exterior. With ripe tomatoes in hand, they aim for a harmless prank. However, as tomatoes fly, unexpected mayhem erupts—stained sidewalks and painted pets included. The prank spirals, leaving the kids to face the messy repercussions of their actions and learn a lesson about the consequences that follow even the smallest choices.