Life Skills

Equip students with essential life skills that go beyond the classroom. This category includes videos on problem-solving, time management, emotional intelligence, and other critical skills needed for personal and professional success.



Technology can be great…but is there a downside to overuse? Watch and listen as Lauren Bradford takes you through the five dangers of technology overuse in this discussion of her Digital Diet Plan—UNPLUG!



Monica Earley—former Special Operations Chief Protocol Officer—is back and leading the conversation about accepted codes of behavior in every situation. In this episode, she’s covering name tags—the history, purpose, placement, and more! (You’ll be surprised by what you will learn!). By the way, did you know there’s a national name tag day? Get it all in this Protocol Conversation!

Intentionally Humble

Intentionally Humble

The practice of becoming humble is one that can really be developed by making use of a simple yet very interesting and rewarding habit to add into your family’s daily life. First, let’s take a moment to discuss the roots of being humble. Because the roots of being humble are all about one thing—other people.



In this new series, Chief of Protocol for Air Force Special Operations Monica Earley will lead conversations about accepted codes of behavior in every situation. Protocol Conversation #1: Handshaking

Why Manners?

Why Manners?

It’s been said that good manners will open doors that the best education cannot, and this week, Leslie Anne Tarabella and Monica Earley are sitting down to discuss the importance of manners in business or social situations. In this quick discussion, you’ll hear how Leslie Anne guided their son to greeting new people in a proper way, how Monica trains others to get better at small talk, and why lingering around a casual dinner can sometimes be the best way to entertain guests.

Goal Setting? Not So Much

Goal Setting? Not So Much

A special delivery for your New Year! From our The Way I See It Dock, Andy Andrews has a take on goals you don’t want to miss. Trust us…you haven’t heard THIS about the tradition of goal-setting before. Here is some information you can put to use right now. Andy’s title for this piece: Goal Setting…? Not So Much.

Creating Your Perfect Career

Creating Your Perfect Career

Wishing for the ideal career? Here’s how to create the perfect one for YOU! Andy is back in the hot seat, and this time he’s providing 3 simple steps that anyone can follow to determine what they would do if money was not a factor, and how they can turn that into a profession. Might you—or someone you know—benefit from this unknown, but incredibly valuable process?

The Umbrella of Authority

The Umbrella of Authority

Over the years, we’ve witnessed some spectacular public downfalls. People who millions consider to be heroes, dramatically falling from grace. If you’ve been around long enough (and it doesn’t take that long), you’ve seen the same thing happen in your personal life…

Stop Making Lists

Stop Making Lists

Are you stuck, trying to make a step toward something in your life but you just don’t know what to do next? You’ve been busy making lists, strategizing, asking everyone their opinion…and maybe that’s the problem. Dan Stone has some wisdom for where to turn when you’re treading water.

Jealousy and Comparison

Jealousy and Comparison

Jealousy and comparison—it’s not just a generational issue, it’s a human issue. Emily Isbell (Gen Z) and Dan Stone (Gen X) dive into these topics while exploring their place in social media. Is it all bad? Can some of it be good? It’s a delicate balance that is ultimately determined by the value you place on yourself.

What Do I Do Now?

What Do I Do Now?

I talk to quite a few people in person.  In one form or another, it has been interesting to note that advice of one sort or another seems to turn out to be the topic.  And specifically, there is one question that continues to recur in almost every conversation I have:  What do I do now?
