An incredible Betcha Didn’t Know right out of the annals of history…but never included in anyone’s history book! From brand new Captain Julie Richard, a fascinating story about the animals who fought in World War I !!!
The Underwater Forest
Hidden beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an ancient cypress forest lay untouched for over 60,000 years—until a powerful hurricane revealed its existence....
Armon J. Newton delves into the intricate beauty of imperfections, drawing from personal experiences and tangible landmarks. In a captivating...
Advice for a debt free 21 year old who owns a business?
Question: I’m 21 years old. I graduated from high school but did not go to college. I am not married and not close. I own my own business, which is...
4.9 Looking Forward
Andy prepares you for the culmination of The Guided Traveler Experience from an aquatic location.
Things I Think I Think
Join Andy Andrews on The Salty Mug for a fun and quirky dive into his latest musings on “Things I Think I Think.” Ever wondered about...
Can you juggle? No? Never say never. Watch as Andy Andrews teaches you how…IN LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES! Astound your children! Amaze your friends!...