What weighed 75,000 pounds, could only move backwards, and had an airplane on top? America’s Snow Cruiser, of course! The story ends in Antarctica during World War II. Here’s how it all began…!
When I was a little girl, my grandfather owned a small farm in Michigan. When it came time for the spring plowing, I often walked behind my grandpa...
How Artists of the Past Saw Our Future! (Part 3)
In this final installment, delve into 19 more windows offering a glimpse into the envisioned world of our ancestors.
You Are Not Alone
The day this song was written, Jimmy Yeary had received a call from a family member who admitted she was suffering through a dark time. She was not...
3.2 Why Anger Management Is a Myth
Andy exposes the myth of anger management by revealing the power of forgiveness and how you can apply it in your own life.
Songwriting Journey: Reflections, Inspiration, and Divine Intervention
Have you ever awakened with words on your mind? What about a song? After getting engaged to his wife, Kimberly, Gordon Mote woke up in the middle of...
Clean, Cook, and Eat Crabs
So you’ve caught a cooler full of crab…now what? Watch as Andy takes you step by step on how to clean your crabs, boil them (with...
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Regarding the Snow Cruiser:
My Dad always called the smart people who had no common sense, educated idiots. We lived in a University town and we had several like that, including our next door neighbor the soil guru. He managed to kill his entire backyard garden with some kind of weed killer. It didn’t grow anything for 10 years, guess it worked.
Hi! George and I just watched the Blue Plate Special – congratulations! We missed the list of sponsors, will they be a part of the show in the future? We hope so!