
Heart Paved Memory Lane
By Jimmy Yeary
Drawing on memories submitted by Wisdom Harbour Members, Jimmy Yeary has meticulously crafted a song that resonates with the universal themes of love, loss, and cherished moments. This heartfelt composition weaves together personal stories into a tapestry of human experience, capturing the essence of joy and pain that touches every life. Join us in celebrating these stories, immortalized through melody, as they echo the sentiments of our shared journeys.

Shannon Rotenberry

“…I fell and iced coffee splashed the walls and ceiling and floor of three rooms. Momma helped me clean up that terrific mess.”

“My finishing swoop to the frosting sent the cake spiraling.  It landed upside down on the floor. Together we righted and scraped and frosted again.”

Anna Intraboona

“The healing that I wanted for my mother was given to her in Heaven. Just because we know our loved ones are in Heaven, it doesn’t take away from still missing them.”

Chad Akridge

“We worked together during the summer when I was home from college. We ran a cash register and stocked shelves together. My falling in love with her was not in the plan.”

Cindy Walker

“…actually the bike walked and then ran with me running and holding on. At the bottom of the hill I saw my dad with his arms open wide telling me to let go of the bike and fall into his arms.”

Chris Katri

“Our family is struggling a bit with our pre-teen, middle school-aged first daughter.”

She’ll always be my little buddy, even during this transition phase and later on as an independent woman.”

Daniel Rose

“…we still worked together, whenever we could. Now, our roles have reversed. This is not what we planned to have happen. This is not what we had rehearsed.

Crystal Laramore

“Sitting in a war zone, hanging out around picnic tables with other patriots, having a few cold drinks after a hard, and I mean a hard day’s work.

Julie Hunter

“My father was a high school football coach.”

“He was a man of few words, but you could build a good life from the light in his eyes.”

Wendell Rotenberry

“One of my earliest memories is of my Dad taking me and my sister to school before he went to work selling insurance door to door.”

“His hard work enabled us to live comfortably in a nice house and another lake house. He invested his money well and retired at age 55.”

Anna Intraboona

“…as a little girl waiting for the church bus. That bus changed my life and my family’s lives forever!!!”


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