Peace of Wisdom


By Andy Andrews

Are you determined to live life fully?

In 1960, Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a book about a life fully lived when she was 76 years old.

The book’s title?  “You Learn By Living”.

She wrote the book well after she had been the first lady, and as you might imagine, by that time, her life WAS pretty well lived.  

But it wasn’t.  She never slowed down and her husband, the president, FDR certainly never held her back.  She became 1st Chair of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and wrote 29 books over the course of her lifetime.

What did it take? Many things, of course, but obviously it took a great deal of determination.

Today, you and I have to use that determination to mold the kind of lives we want.  

After all it’s just like Eleanor said…”“It’s your life-but only if you make it so.”

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in the determination to be ever present…in a life fully lived.


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