Peace of Wisdom

Nourish to Flourish

By Andy Andrews

All living things have certain needs in order to stay alive. People, plants, animals, birds, insects, fish… and every other biological member of a scientific classification demand certain essentials to remain viable. 

So, it’s wise for us to consider what people require. 

Now, I won’t try to compete with, or even comment on, Maslow and his long-established “Hierarchy of Needs.” That’s above my paygrade! Today’s objective is to cause you to reflect on some basics. 

It’s been said, “Man cannot live on bread alone.” This is true. We need nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Milk and cookies are pretty good, too, in my opinion. 

We also need fluids. Did you know at least 50% of your body is made of water? That’s difficult to grasp. But it’s true. Water keeps everything moving and our brains functioning. 

Living things also require space to breathe and grow. Without space, all things suffocate – either literally or figuratively. Like plants, sometimes people must be “uprooted” and replanted in better soil to receive the oxygen and nutrients necessary to energize and expand. 

And wisdom.  Wisdom is something we can search for and find…or ignore.

How are these basics in your life? Are you thriving… or barely surviving? 

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in choosing to nourish… to flourish… or perish.


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