Peace of Wisdom


By Andy Andrews

Have you ever heard the saying, “kill two birds with one stone”?  How in the world would this even be possible? Turns out, it’s not!  The phrase originates from the 1600’s and refers to trying to kill two birds with a slingshot and the same stone. It’s virtually impossible, so the phrase became a criticism for taking on too much at one time.

Ironically, it has morphed into meaning the ability to accomplish two tasks at once, making efficient use of your time and energy.  

You wouldn’t believe how frequently the number “TWO” pops up in English idioms, sayings, and quotes: 

  • “TWO heads are better than one”
  • “TWO out of three isn’t bad”
  • “Two steps forward, one step back”

There are too many to list,  but they indicate the benefit of TWO being more . . . fill-in-the-blank: more insight, more than you would’ve had if you hadn’t taken the next step.

Even the old-fashioned advertising slogans, “It takes TWO hands to handle a Whopper” or “TWO all-beef patties, special sauce . . .”  hint that two are better!

So, get out there today and “Stand on your own TWO feet” or “Put TWO and TWO together”!

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found by realizing TWO is better than one!



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