A23a is the world’s largest iceberg. This massive chunk broke off Antarctica in 1986 and weighs in at about the size of Rhode Island.
Ninety percent of icebergs hide underwater. Similarly, most achievement is the stuff we don’t see.
On Superbowl Sunday, we see the pristine uniforms, the game-winning catch or kick. What we don’t see are the grueling drills, the sweat, the dirty uniforms.
Before his 23 gold medals, Olympian Michael Phelps trained for hours a day.
You see a business owner move the needle. You don’t see their years of putting out fires with hardly a day off.
A musician in the limelight has spent hours perfecting their craft, often alone. Authors like myself do the same.
And when doctors and nurses are in school they refer to it as drinking from a fire hose.
Champions sacrifice with their eyes on the goal. Average people choose ease instead. Most of us aren’t professional athletes. But you can get comfortable being uncomfortable. Be okay with the hard and the boring things, a day at a time. Glory is forged from the grind.
Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found under the iceberg.