Join Bob Woodall and Orran Scruggs in The Galley as they embark on a hilarious culinary adventure, transforming Aunt Katie’s Dothan, Alabama-grown eggplants into a masterpiece. With lemons as their secret weapon and improvisation skills that might make you rethink your kitchen tools, this dynamic duo promises a cooking experience filled with laughter, unexpected tips, and mouthwatering results. Ready for some kitchen comedy? Don’t miss this eggplant extravaganza that’s anything but ordinary!
Treasures Lost & Found
Join Dr. Mark Foley as he unveils the story of the greatest treasure ever discovered — and lost — in the United States! This tale involves...
Do businesses have their own culture?
Absolutely. Businesses have their own culture. Businesses have their own culture, families have their own culture, a teams have their own culture,...
Technology can be great…but is there a downside to overuse? Watch and listen as Lauren Bradford takes you through the five dangers of...
Goats & Coffee
Betcha Didn’t Know that coffee was discovered by goats! Join Briley Crisafi as she spills the beans on the legendary origins of our favorite brew....
A Conversation about Impressions
In this episode on the Just for Fun dock, Jimmy Yeary and Andy Andrews sit down to talk. What happens when two people with interesting backgrounds...
The Mysterious Mr. Michael Ted
Dive into the captivating world of Michael Ted Williams, a man whose life in Sawyerton Springs was as colorful as his mysterious obsession with cats...