Dive into a culinary adventure with our charming cook as he transforms humble veggies into a dazzling feast! Join Bob Woodall and witness the magic of okra, zucchini, yellow squash, and green beans, seasoned with wit and sizzle. It’s not just about the chop and char—it’s a kitchen comedy that’ll teach, tantalize, and tickle your funny bone!
Spot the Difference!
Do you remember the puzzles you did as a child that asked, “What is different about these pictures?” From the Just For Fun dock, here is Wisdom...
Why Cars Stand Still for a Funeral
Leslie Anne Tarabella is a communicator with a gift for crafting words we can feel. Here, she explains something you may have wondered...
Music Appreciation
My husband and I shared a sideways glance and silently mouthed a name that was loaded with low-class geekiness. We were listening to a live opera...
The Importance of Editing and Revising: Making Your Words Shine
This piece breaks down the essential steps of editing and revising, guiding you to transform rough drafts into polished, impactful work. Whether...
Shedding Some Light on a Dark Subject
Has your child ever been afraid of something and you’re not sure how to connect or even understand what they’re going through? Jimmy sheds some...
Wartime Cartoons
1942 was the year of the first 4th of July after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. That month, every magazine in the United States featured the...