Your Personal Mission Statement Action Plan
By Andy Andrews
Shall We Gather at the River (feat. The Settles Connection)
In 1864, during some of The Civil War’s bloodiest fighting, poet Robert Lowry penned words of optimistic direction to a nation divided. Put to a...
The Mona Lisa
Explore the enigmatic world of the Mona Lisa with Briley Crisafi in this Betcha Didn’t Know! Uncover the mystery behind its misattributed...
The Greatest Teacher in the World
Never in my life had I encountered such beauty. Her perfect face, framed by long, blond hair, featured the most incredible green eyes I had ever...
1.2 Juggling 101
Having the right instruction is as important to success as having the right attitude. Andy proves why in this entertaining illustration.
Is There Something We Might Not Be Doing With Our Child That One Day We Will Wish We Had?—Part 1
Here’s the important thing to remember with small children, and this is one of those things that you want to make sure is happening. Because if...
The Gift of Dandelions
Dandelions dotted my childhood. When the long Michigan winter began to admit defeat, there were dandelions, spreading their leaves like fingers,...