Discover the extraordinary tale of Eddie Feigner, a softball pitcher whose underhanded throws baffled even the best. In this Betcha Didn’t Know, Andy Andrews uncovers the captivating story of Feigner’s journey from local leagues to global fame with his team, The King and His Court. Be amazed by Feigner’s unconventional methods and the sheer audacity of his performances. From striking out baseball legends to charging admission for his unforgettable games, this video promises an intriguing mix of sports history and showmanship. Curious to see how he did it? Tune in to witness a true underdog story that redefines athletic greatness!
Does having too much money (or not enough) affect parenting style?
And the answer to that question is no. And yes. With adolescents especially, the answer is no, that it should not affect our parenting style. With...
Out of Town Judges
Have you ever seen a local beauty pageant and wondered where the judges came from? Definitely…out of town.
Animals in WWI
An incredible Betcha Didn’t Know right out of the annals of history…but never included in anyone’s history book! From brand new Captain Julie...
How can a person use their dreams to help other people?
Your dreams actually should be lined up in a way and examined in a way that they will help other people. I got to say, that if your dreams are...
A Conversation about Impressions
In this episode on the Just for Fun dock, Jimmy Yeary and Andy Andrews sit down to talk. What happens when two people with interesting backgrounds...
Aluminum Tumblers
From the pen of Gloria Gaither, this piece for The Sensible Scribe will remind you how fortunate we are for the materials that are often taken for...