When you think of a fair, you probably imagine the garden variety deep fried twinkies or oreos… and deep fried everything else! But did you know the most recognizable fair food was actually invented by a dentist? Get the scoop…actually get yourself a double scoop on this Betcha Didn’t Know!
Headed to the coast anytime soon? Take the family crabbing! It’s easy, inexpensive, and fun!
Is your family headed to the coast (any coast) sometime soon? Crabbing is a fun, relaxing, and inexpensive way to spend some time that can not only...
You Reap What You Throw
In the town of Sawyerton Springs, an 11-year-old Andy Andrews and his cousin Brian embark on a bit of nighttime mischief. Their target: the Vine and...
The Stargazer
How does one gain a reputation as the meanest fish on the block? The one grabs, electrocutes, and eats victims alive, it is a good start. Meet the...
The Gift of Dandelions
Dandelions dotted my childhood. When the long Michigan winter began to admit defeat, there were dandelions, spreading their leaves like fingers,...
Fear Itself?
President Roosevelt said it. But why…and why do we only remember that part of his speech? What was everyone so afraid of anyway? Find out quickly as...
Da Vinci’s To-Do Lists
Leonardo Da Vinci is known as one of history’s greatest minds. Ever wonder what he thought about on a daily basis? Join Emily Isbell on the Betcha...
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Emily is GOOD!!!