Betcha Didn’t Know that the internet you’re using right now began as a military project to survive nuclear war! Armon Newton uncovers how a Cold War-era communication experiment grew into the global phenomenon we know today. From the first email (sent between two side-by-side computers!) to the invention of the World Wide Web, this episode will have you marveling at the internet’s evolution—complete with coffee pot webcams, dial-up screeches, and even a near miss with the name “Cadaver.”
1.4 How to Accept Responsibility Like Harry Truman
Learn an invaluable lesson about the attitude it takes to start changing now by examining the life of President Harry Truman.
Let It Heal
The idea for “Let It Heal” began years ago with the memory of a dark night at a friend’s lake house. While staring into the flames of a campfire and...
How Military Research Spawned the Internet Age
Betcha Didn’t Know that the internet you’re using right now began as a military project to survive nuclear war! Armon Newton uncovers how a Cold...
How Much IS a Trillion Dollars?
A Trillion…? That’s a lot of anything! Have you ever wondered how much space that would take in $100 bills, or how many pounds a trillion ants...
Fast Horses
As of this writing, there are twenty-one horses running in the Kentucky Derby this afternoon. From Forte, currently 3 to 1, all the way to...
How to Outline a Nonfiction Book (Even if You Hate Outlining)
You’ve got what you believe is a great idea for a nonfiction book. Your research is done, creativity is flowing, and you’re as ready as...