Discover the extraordinary tale of Eddie Feigner, a softball pitcher whose underhanded throws baffled even the best. In this Betcha Didn’t Know, Andy Andrews uncovers the captivating story of Feigner’s journey from local leagues to global fame with his team, The King and His Court. Be amazed by Feigner’s unconventional methods and the sheer audacity of his performances. From striking out baseball legends to charging admission for his unforgettable games, this video promises an intriguing mix of sports history and showmanship. Curious to see how he did it? Tune in to witness a true underdog story that redefines athletic greatness!
1964 Sears Catalog
At 1,715 pages, the Sears catalog had everything the families of 1964 needed for style, comfort and entertainment. Grab a seat by the coffee table,...
The Great Depression
Hold on to your forks as Armon J. Newton whisks us through the zaniest culinary tales of the Great Depression! From Eleanor Roosevelt’s interesting...
At its basis, is life after all just a lottery ticket?
Seems like a cynical question, but it’s certainly a question I had at one time in my life. When my parents died and I made some bad moves and...
Cabin on the Hill
Poking fun at the “family he never had,” Anthony wrote Cabin on the Hill with the same tongue-in-cheek he had written one of Sugarcane Jane’s...
My Valentine
We were newlyweds, living in a grungy apartment. Each morning, I would wake before her. I would pass my morning hours writing poetry on a yellow...
1.5 The Personal Zoo
Are you exchanging your freedom for comfort? Watch this video to find out.