Peace of Wisdom
Healthy Disagreement

By Andy Andrews

Have you noticed that people seem always able to find something to disagree about?

But how do we learn to do it the right way? And what does healthy disagreement mean?

Typical as disagreements are, you may discover it’s difficult to remain not only respectful, but to find common ground with another person.

Of course if you are unable to come to a compromise or meet someone halfway, you can acknowledge this as an impasse and resolve the issue by bringing the discussion to an end. 

Positive language tends to help in these scenarios.

Try saying something like “I see your point of view, and I totally understand how you got there. I may not agree with it, but I respect your opinion.”

Using forward thinking forms of communication keeps the conversation civil, and places the focus on healthy disagreement.

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found, whether or not you agree with it.



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