Peace of Wisdom
Staying Grounded

By Andy Andrews

How do you stay grounded?  What does that even mean?  Being grounded describes staying connected to your core values, responsibilities, beliefs, and community. 

Executing small daily tasks – like making your morning coffee, packing a healthy lunch, saying a nightly prayer – helps us feel safe and stable.  All of these seemingly innocuous acts can help us prepare for when life happens. 

Start small. Make a short list of non-negotiable tasks for your morning routine that make you feel ready to tackle the day. 

Completing these tasks or rituals help us honor ourselves and our time. Doing the small things can help declutter your mind and make way for larger or more difficult efforts. 

Doing small things that make your life easier or more enjoyable also goes a long way in contributing to how you feel about your lifestyle and yourself. 

Staying connected to your community can also help you to feel grounded. It reminds us we aren’t alone. 

Your community is a place that allows you to be yourself. Don’t be afraid to share when you’re facing challenges, and be quick to help others. 

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in staying grounded by honoring a daily connection to the people and values important to us. 


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