In this Protocol Conversation, Monica Earley explores the significance of saying “thank you” and the timeless practice of writing thank-you notes. From January’s designation as National Thank You Month to practical advice on crafting impactful notes, Monica shares tips to inspire gratitude in every interaction. Learn how a simple handwritten note can set you apart, foster meaningful connections, and even open doors to new opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned note-writer or a reluctant one, this episode will leave you inspired to embrace the power of appreciation.
The Five Things for Which To Be Thankful…That We Most Often Overlook
In the rush of daily life, with its mounting pressures and incessant distractions, it is alarmingly easy to forget to pause and reflect on the...
The Mysterious Mr. Michael Ted
Dive into the captivating world of Michael Ted Williams, a man whose life in Sawyerton Springs was as colorful as his mysterious obsession with cats...
4.10 A Classic Tale
Andy introduces the concept of legacy, and what it means for your family, by reading a classic Christmas tale.
Writing Advice from Bestselling Authors
Have you ever considered writing a book? Here’s some advice from our ever growing list of Q & A specifically for future writers!
The Peanut
What else is there to learn about the peanut? A whole LOT more, as it turns out! Here’s the underground scoop on a nut that’s not even a...
Reflecting on Two Hits
9/11 – a date that shook America. Dive deep with Gordon Mote into a heartfelt reflection of the day in the studio as this tragedy unfolded, and how...