Adaptability is often overlooked as one of the key indicators of success.
When you set out on a new venture, cultivate the capability and willingness to be adaptable. The gains will be noticed.
It’s great to plan ahead, but keep in mind some things are out of your control and may not go exactly as planned. This is key in helping you remain open to other solutions.
In business, it can be a way to stay relevant. In life, it may mean changing careers or blending into a new neighborhood.
Pivoting during an unexpected change is scary, but can often turn out better than the original plan.
Being adaptable isn’t only about adjusting to new conditions. It’s also the ability to refashion something for a new purpose.
Resourcefulness plays a huge role in adaptability. Modifying the literal and figurative tools you already have can make things easier and yield massive rewards.
Dolly Parton once said, “We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”
Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in using adaptability as one of the key tools to success.