Do you love potato chips? Does it irritate you to buy what you believe to be a FULL bag of potato chips, only to find out when you open it that half the bag is…MISSING? Did you know potato chips were created by…an irritated chef? Grab a [half] bag and listen up! In this Betcha Didn’t Know with Armon Newton, you’re going to learn everything you never knew you needed to know about the potato chip!
The Gettysburg Address
Discover the profound impact of the Battle of Gettysburg in this captivating video, delivered by Armon J. Newton. Witness the historic moment when...
Songwriting Journey: Reflections, Inspiration, and Divine Intervention
Have you ever awakened with words on your mind? What about a song? After getting engaged to his wife, Kimberly, Gordon Mote woke up in the middle of...
The Potato Chip
Do you love potato chips? Does it irritate you to buy what you believe to be a FULL bag of potato chips, only to find out when you open it that half...
Aesop’s Fables
Aesop’s Fables are a collection of ancient Greek tales attributed to Aesop, a storyteller believed to have lived around 620–564 BCE. These...
Fear Itself?
President Roosevelt said it. But why…and why do we only remember that part of his speech? What was everyone so afraid of anyway? Find out quickly as...
Is life just a roll of the dice? Do we wake up every day with no choice but to play the cards we are randomly dealt? Are our lives bound only by...