Peace of Wisdom
Order in Chaos

By Andy Andrews

Do you ever scroll through the day’s headlines and think, “The whole world is in chaos!”  It may seem overwhelming if you have ‘crazy’ going on in your personal life, too.

Calm the anxiety by adding a little order to the chaos.  

Perhaps you could take stock of all your appointments and activities and prioritize them on paper so it doesn’t seem like a giant gray swirl of busyness spinning around your head.

Or it could be something as simple as adding some daily routines back in that have fallen by the wayside.

Maybe it’s putting away anything that’s out of place from the day… right before you head to bed. You might need a weekend reset to get things back in order if they’ve gotten piled up over time, but once it’s done, you can keep up the daily habit.  The visual peace from tidying up can add an unbelievable amount of relief.

You’d be surprised how much better a busy week will go when you pack a lunch or lay out your work clothes the night before.

Keeping simple things in order provides margin for the inevitable surprises and interruptions that are certain to occur. 

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found by Creating Order in the Chaos.


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