Peace of Wisdom


By Andy Andrews

You weren’t hired. 

Or you weren’t invited to the wedding. 

Maybe that special someone doesn’t think you’re that special.

Rejection happens to everybody, and it’s no fun. Nobody wakes up and says, “I hope I get rejected today!”

You might be surprised to learn the roster of authors who were told multiple times they were no good – authors who are now bestsellers. I’m one of them.

One musician had a disastrous premiere at the renowned Grand Ole Opry. He was told to go back to driving a truck because he’d never be a singer. That singer was Elvis Presley.  Randy Travis was told to keep frying catfish.

And there’s the quarterback who played backup for much of his college career…then the NFL didn’t draft him until the sixth round. Today, many regard Tom Brady as the greatest to play the game.

When we face rejection, it’s hard to not take it personally. But it’s usually not personal and it’s not a reflection on you.

Your “loss” can be a big part of the road to your success.

Surround yourself with people who do want to be with you. And don’t give up.

Today’s Peace of Wisdom says rejection isn’t the end…it can, in fact, be the beginning.



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