Peace of Wisdom
Living for Today

By Andy Andrews

Of all the things we can say about life, there’s one thing that’s absolutely certain – we can only do it one day at a time. That’s all we’ve got.

No matter how hard we try, we don’t get a do-over for yesterday and, try as we might, we haven’t figured out how to live tomorrow before it gets here. The only day we ever have is this one. Today. The good news is, everyone else is in the same boat. 

…which is wonderful, because it means we get to focus all our strength on living today…doing our best work today, loving with all our heart today, making new friends today, and finishing with peace in our souls because we honored the amazing gift of today the best way we could.

If we lived each day like it was the only day we were sure we’d have, how much happier do you think we’d be? How much better could we make the world around us? 

It’s worth finding out, don’t you think? I do.

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in focusing on today


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