Peace of Wisdom

By Andy Andrews

The famous muralist, Banksy, said “ if you get tired, don’t quit… learn to rest.” 

Many times we think of rest as a reward at the end of a task when it’s often a critical component of thriving and being able to achieve a goal. 

Rest helps us function. 

It’s understandable that you have responsibilities and commitments that require hard work to maintain, but we often overlook rest as a necessary part of success.

Machines overheat, candles burn out, and people get tired – it’s a fact of life. 

We feel obligated to constantly produce, because at some level there is a cultural norm that directly relates an individuals’ worth to their productivity. 

This causes us to say ‘yes’ to things we don’t really have time to do or promise a delivery date on a project we know is unrealistic. 

Think of it this way – to consistently deliver for your family, your job, or yourself – you have to account for time off. 

So take time to recharge, process your thoughts, and take care of your health. 

You can’t pour from an empty cup. 

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in prioritizing rest. 


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