Discover the profound impact of the Battle of Gettysburg in this captivating video, delivered by Armon J. Newton. Witness the historic moment when President Abraham Lincoln delivered the iconic Gettysburg Address, not as the main speaker, but in a speech lasting less than two minutes that still echoes through history. Lincoln’s timeless words on liberty, equality, and the essence of the American spirit are as relevant today as they were in 1863. Don’t miss this powerful reflection on one of the most significant events in American history…In Other Words.
The Official U.S. Flag Code
Monica Early, the former Chief of Protocol for Air Force Special Operations is here to set the record straight on “do’s and don’ts” with...
Join Briley Crisafi as she dives into the world of extreme sounds, from pig squeals at 130 decibels to the pistol shrimp’s underwater “gunshot” at...
3.4 How to Fully Embrace Forgiveness
Andy walks you through the important process of forgiving both yourself and others.
The Buzz About Bees
Betcha Didn’t Know there are around 20,000 bee species worldwide! Join Emily Isbell as she dives into the buzzing world of bees, from the tiniest...
Uniquely Acoustic
In this next episode from Admiral Bean studio, Anthony Crawford pulls out 4 different acoustic guitars dating back as far as the 1930s. Each one has...
The Inklings
Join Briley Crisafi for a captivating journey into the friendship and literary world of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Discover the story behind...