How often does it happen…? We admire someone from afar…then, when we meet them, not only do they live up to our expectations, but become a personal mentor as well? Not very often, right? Well…it happened to Gordon Mote!
Crazy Hazey Forks Over The Head
Do you like scary stories? Just in time for Halloween, gather the family for a feast of the imagination as Andy Andrews delivers an original tale he...
Swinging Into Trouble
Experience the thrill and terror of summer adventures as a group of boys face the daunting challenge of “the rope” at Beauman’s Pond. With daring...
What’s One Important Skill Everyone Should Have?
There IS a basic skill. Now this is a skill, NOT a talent. The question is, what’s one important SKILL. Sometimes people mistake the two. They...
Your Life
This morning I started thinking about you. Mainly, I was thinking about what you’re going through right now. Whoever you are. I don’t know you. I...
1964 Sears Catalog
At 1,715 pages, the Sears catalog had everything the families of 1964 needed for style, comfort and entertainment. Grab a seat by the coffee table,...
Additional Financial Consideration: Take 3
Counterfeit or Legit? Five short commercials…are they real or just crafty fakes? Listen, laugh, and decide—A new series on the Just For...