Peace of Wisdom
Imposter Syndrome

By Andy Andrews

Do you ever feel wholly incapable of doing the thing you’re called to do, regardless how good other people think you are?

Writers often feel this. It’s called imposter’s syndrome — the feeling you’re not good enough and today will surely be the day everybody else is going to figure it out!

Even Albert Einstein felt it.  Listen to what he said about himself.  “The exaggerated esteem in which my lifework is held makes me very ill at ease. I feel compelled to think of myself as an involuntary swindler.”

I’ve heard several widely published authors say that every time they begin a new book they fear THIS will be the one that reveals they’re incapable of  writing anything worth putting on paper.

Sound familiar? 

If imposter syndrome is something you struggle with, even occasionally…just remember — you can’t believe everything you think. 

Just because you feel unworthy of doing what you’ve been called to do, if you’ve done the work successfully before, it’s pretty obvious what you’re thinking or feeling is not based in reality!

Chances are, you’re just overwhelmed. Take a deep breath…relax…and then get back to it. You can do this. 

Today’s Peace of Wisdom can be found in setting aside the lies we tell ourselves and trusting the gifts that bring us success. 



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