Have you ever known someone who’s always smiling, no matter what’s happening in their personal lives or in the world around them? They’re the best kind of people to be around, because you’re always going to feel better having been in their presence. I knew a lady...
Abraham Lincoln—Persistence
How many times have we stopped the journey...when the destination we sought was just beyond the road’s next bend? Abraham Lincoln is one of the most important men in history. It may surprise you to learn that his life was filled with a number of personal tragedies and...
The phone isn’t demanding a response. Neither is email or text. No music is playing and the television is off. It’s...silent. In these moments, why do most of us turn something on to fill the silence? Even if we are aware we have done so, most of us probably don’t...
Staying Focused
A wise man once said, “The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones”. All too often we try to rush into the main part of a project only to be crushed by the daunting size of the task. Since we can’t “move the mountain” in one push, we don’t...
Are you a runner? We have all had to run at some point in our lives. We’ve run towards some things and away from others. We’ve run late. Run out. And Run for our lives. Your mom might have even said that you were ‘running around like a chicken with your head cut...