

Did you ever think math could teach you things beyond the page? How about a mathematician? Ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, known for his famous theorem, also dabbled in the personal and the worldly. He once said “Choose rather to be strong of...

The Gift of Your Time

The Gift of Your Time

Recent world events serve as a valuable reminder — life is precious and time is fleeting.  The sheer busyness of life can be all consuming. You’ve no doubt heard it said — “don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”  It’s easy to get so busy...



There’s much we can learn about failure from the potter.  She begins her process with a simple ball of clay. Sometimes she uses a wheel to form the piece she’s building, sometimes she shapes it using only her hands.  She kneads the clay to get rid of any air pockets,...



You and everyone you know, at one time or another, need someone to care. Whether you know it or not, someone out there loves you and thinks about you.  These people in your life. Even the more independent of the people in your life need human interaction...they rely...



Have you ever had anyone comment, “You know…you just seem too grateful?” No?  It’s because gratitude is something one cannot overdo. There are three stages of gratitude we can use as a reference: The recognition that people in our lives are helping us achieve....

Time Management

Time Management

Do you struggle with time management, always wishing you had a few extra hours in your day? Most of us do – we’re much too busy, and often way too distracted.  It’s a good idea to take a step back and consider how you order your days – or if you’re allowing someone or...



Are you determined to live life fully? In 1960, Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a book about a life fully lived when she was 76 years old. The book’s title?  “You Learn By Living”. She wrote the book well after she had been the first lady, and as you might imagine, by that...

Try, Try Again

Try, Try Again

What did your mother tell you?  “If at first you don’t succeed…?  Try, try again.” There’s a lot of wisdom in that simple saying. Why do we NOT try again?” Is it because whatever we’ve tried can’t be done?  Not usually.  Perhaps, someone saw us or became aware that...



The essence of yourself, whether you think so or not…contains a spirit of tenacity.  Amelia Earhart once said "The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do." You might...



How well do you bear up under the weight of responsibility?  We all have responsibilities of some kinds or others. Even children deal with responsibilities in the form of chores or help around the house!   Responsibilities can often be tied to necessity…a thing that...



When you hear the word service, what first comes to mind? Is it a funeral service? What about a mechanic servicing your car? The service that might be thought of last, but certainly not least, would be service…to those with whom you come in contact on a daily basis....

Work Ethic

Work Ethic

Everything you do matters, but everything you don’t do matters just as much. Consider Michael Jordan, arguably one of the greatest athletes in history. He often took issue with people suggesting his success was due to genetics. In fact, it was Michael’s failure that...
